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The Galloping Gardener

I am passionate about my family, animals, plants, and cooking. I am married to a wonderful man, have two great kids, a boy and a girl. We all love animals, they all love my cooking (wink), and I love to garden. I love talking plants with anyone. I have a few animals around this ranch. 3 horses, 3 dogs, 2 gecko's, 6 chickens, 7 chicks, and 1 resident rooster. My kids get to live the life that I had always dreamed with animals everywhere...

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The Galloping Gardener

I am passionate about my family, animals, plants, and cooking. I am married to a wonderful man, have two great kids, a boy and a girl. We all love animals, they all love my cooking (wink), and I love to garden. I love talking plants with anyone. I have a few animals around this ranch. 3 horses, 3 dogs, 2 gecko's, 6 chickens, 7 chicks, and 1 resident rooster. My kids get to live the life that I had always dreamed with animals everywhere...
