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So I stayed in the darkness with you

My name is Aly :) I’m Mexican and 25 years old. Lifelong Trek fan and diehard Spirk shipper, so expect A LOT of Space Husbands here. Some of which is NSFW ;) However I also am an avid Teen Wolf fanatic and multi shipper with an undying love for Scott McCall. I love anything Marvel so I have a smattering of them in here as well! The sorting hat says that I belong in Slytherin! Said Slytherin, “We’ll teach just those whose ancestry is purest.” Slytherin students are typically cunning and hungry for power. Important members include Draco Malfoy (Harry’s nemesis), Professor Severus Snape (head of Slytherin), and Lord Voldemort.     Take the most scientific Harry Potter Quiz ever created. Get Sorted Now!
