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I do what I want

Hey guys, this is my personal blog. That means it includes own posts about what I want to share with you and rebloggs which I find are worth to be seen. - Have fun ^-^ (p.s. read the tags if you want to know me) current content: - The 100 / trash lord - why everything after chap.698 of Naruto sucks - (social) justice - random/cool/funny stuff often used tags+meanings: !!!! social issues #important #I hate this society #equality #men #women #arospec (includes ace) !!!! #the 100 #trash lord (murphy) #bamf princess (clarke) #badass princess (octavia) #kitten (#bellamy blake) #sick bitch / #ohh okay I forgave her (raven) #bellarke #clarklexa #wicken #memori (can’t help it^^“) #ot-badass-p (#linctavia) #good guy jaha/marcus/dante #poor mama griffin !!!! cast #ball of sunshine #Robert Alfred !!!! Naruto #sasunaru (otp) #itasasu (brotp) #shitty ending #ooc shit #anti kishimoto #anti SP #anti ss/nh fandom #anti sasusaku !!!!other fandoms: #marvel #dinsey #harry potter #hunger games etc. !!!!others: #true this / #preach (I totally agree but it’s not about me) #same (I agree but not enough for #me) #me (personal+) #leo #queen (women that deserve to be worshiped) #tumblr advice (life hacks/tips) [#x-> put x in ‘search’ ||| ()

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lupienne : > Hey, @jaycee374 I hope you don’t mind I made this a post. I > thought you made some good points and wanted to reply in something > better than a ‘r...
