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hi welcome to the trash heap. my name’s garrett, but I also go by quinn or q. I’m twenty-two, self-contradictory, and highly unstable! my pronouns are ze/hir, and I’m dfab,nonbinary, asexual, and ehhhhhromantic. I’m also white, able-bodied, autistic, and mentally ill (major depression, generalized anxiety, borderline personality disorder and early psychotic symptoms). working through a lot of shit and getting Crazier every day. not really interested in recovery - just survival. median system with at least three facets - I/we go back and forth on first-person pronouns, and there’s a handy link titled “from one, many” under this if you want to read about us. used to be a robot full of plants (tagged/plantbot-aesthetic), but more recently I’ve been an extraterrestial mercreature (tagged/deep-sea-deep-space). I categorize posts pretty extensively using tags, and if you need me to tag something, just let me know! you can see the stuff I need tagged in my “would you mind tagging that?” link. because I’m affectively unstable, have a very fragile sense of self, and need a lot of validation, I make a lot of posts about myself/my feelings/my brainthings on here. some of these posts may lead you to believe that I am needy, erratic, or a huge mess. all of these inferences are true. please like and reblog my selfies.
