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Cyber Monday

In the interest of helping with your online holiday shopping, I thought I’d repost the links to my shops for you.  Your patronage is much appreciated and you will be helping out an artist...


Jet City Comic Show

If you are in the Washington State area this weekend, I hope you will consider dropping in at Jet City Comic Con at the Tacoma Convention Center.  I will have a table for both my businesses...


A Very Steampunk Week

Forgive my prolonged absence.  I haven’t felt much like writing for a while and I have not had much to say, but the past week does need to be shared.  It’s been pretty sweet. It began a...


Love to color?

If so you are in luck, I just released my first coloring book!  I had so much fun designing it.  This one is costume themed but the next one will be steampunk! You can buy it here:�...


In the Season of Gifting

I am terrible at self promotion, but at this time of year I really do need to let my fans know that I have things for sale.  Lots of great gift ideas and every sale helps me continue doing wha...


Jet City Comic Show

This weekend is the Jet City Comic Show in Tacoma.  I will have a table in the Artists Alley, #65.  I will be selling my wares and signing things, so please drop by if you can!  If you c...



I am bad at self promotion.  I admit it.  So, here is a bit of self promotion.  I have a store on Zazzle called Steamporium with lots of fun things for Steampunk and Victorian enthusiast...
