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The Lareshi Bluffs

On the Eastern side of Shironi lies a chunk of the continent that has broken away from the mainland of Avinali. The cliffs and bluffs of surrounded by grand gates forged of silver. Here lies the gated community of Laresh, a once-proud and mighty empire that has suffered the strain of over-expansion and in recent years become a smaller, more conservative nation. United by the Old Religion which has turned into a strict way of life, the Lareshi Word, the people of this country are well known for being dignified and hard-nosed even after having fallen on hard times. They are known for distinctive clothing and textile work, their customary dress being the hijab and its variants. Laresh, despite its relatively small size has a considerable navy of military airships, which is notorious for its ruthlessness and hushed history of war crimes. Many believe the survival of Laresh hinges on its Vigils. Vigils are warrior monks who disobey the teachings of the Lareshi Word, thus committing the necessary sins so that other Lareshi don’t have to and can happily ascend to paradise. The Vigils protect and enforce the culture and practices of Laresh with an iron fist and mercilessly hunt all those who oppose the state, with much greater versatility and subtlety than an army could wield. Laresh is ruled by an Oligarchy, a council of eight members elected from a select group of religious sages. It is said that in its heyday, Laresh had the power to soar through the sky like an enormous airship, but this secret has been lost, if it ever existed. In fact, much of the city’s culture, history, documents, sacred texts, artefacts and magic have been lost. Laresh is a tired and broken country that is determined to soldier on, no matter the cost.
