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blaming it on the bossa nova

i never even knew we had a night club down here PSA: Not taking prompts unless I ask for them/reblog a meme. Also, if you’re wondering why I unfollowed you, it’s probably for untagged Arrow spoilers. Grac(i)e. 30. Law student. New Yorker currently displaced in GA. TV addict. Bookworm. Baseball fan. Writer. Musician. Amateur photographer. Science nerd. INFP. Ravenclaw. Martell. District 4. Currently Into: Killjoys. The Mentalist, Arrow, The Flash, Suits, Madam Secretary, Veep, Eye Candy, Jane the Virgin, Defiance, Brooklyn 99, Orphan Black, Elementary, Gotham, Haven, House of Cards, Musketeers, 12 Monkeys, The Americans, Dancing with the Stars, books. Marathoning: Friends (rewatch), Castle (rewatch). You May Also Find: The West Wing, The X-Files, Farscape, Friday Night Lights, Friends, Firefly, Disney, Sports Night, The OC, Nikita, NCIS, Justified, Leverage, Fringe, ER, Lost. Among many, many others. Credit: Icon UNBOWED, UNBENT, UNBROKEN ABOUT ME | ASK | SUBMIT FAQS | SPOILERS

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i never even knew we had a night club down here PSA: Not taking prompts unless I ask for them/reblog a meme. Also, if you’re wondering why I unfollowed you, it’s probably for untagged Arrow spoilers. Grac(i)e. 30. Law student. New Yorker currently displaced in GA. TV addict. Bookworm. Baseball fan. Writer. Musician. Amateur photographer. Science nerd. INFP. Ravenclaw. Martell. District 4. Currently Into: Killjoys. The Mentalist, Arrow, The Flash, Suits, Madam Secretary, Veep, Eye Candy, Jane the Virgin, Defiance, Brooklyn 99, Orphan Black, Elementary, Gotham, Haven, House of Cards, Musketeers, 12 Monkeys, The Americans, Dancing with the Stars, books. Marathoning: Friends (rewatch), Castle (rewatch). You May Also Find: The West Wing, The X-Files, Farscape, Friday Night Lights, Friends, Firefly, Disney, Sports Night, The OC, Nikita, NCIS, Justified, Leverage, Fringe, ER, Lost. Among many, many others. Credit: Icon UNBOWED, UNBENT, UNBROKEN ABOUT ME | ASK | SUBMIT FAQS | SPOILERS



i never even knew we had a night club down here PSA: Not taking prompts unless I ask for them/reblog a meme. Also, if you’re wondering why I unfollowed you, it’s probably for untagged Arrow spoilers. Grac(i)e. 30. Law student. New Yorker currently displaced in GA. TV addict. Bookworm. Baseball fan. Writer. Musician. Amateur photographer. Science nerd. INFP. Ravenclaw. Martell. District 4. Currently Into: Killjoys. The Mentalist, Arrow, The Flash, Suits, Madam Secretary, Veep, Eye Candy, Jane the Virgin, Defiance, Brooklyn 99, Orphan Black, Elementary, Gotham, Haven, House of Cards, Musketeers, 12 Monkeys, The Americans, Dancing with the Stars, books. Marathoning: Friends (rewatch), Castle (rewatch). You May Also Find: The West Wing, The X-Files, Farscape, Friday Night Lights, Friends, Firefly, Disney, Sports Night, The OC, Nikita, NCIS, Justified, Leverage, Fringe, ER, Lost. Among many, many others. Credit: Icon UNBOWED, UNBENT, UNBROKEN ABOUT ME | ASK | SUBMIT FAQS | SPOILERS



i never even knew we had a night club down here PSA: Not taking prompts unless I ask for them/reblog a meme. Also, if you’re wondering why I unfollowed you, it’s probably for untagged Arrow spoilers. Grac(i)e. 30. Law student. New Yorker currently displaced in GA. TV addict. Bookworm. Baseball fan. Writer. Musician. Amateur photographer. Science nerd. INFP. Ravenclaw. Martell. District 4. Currently Into: Killjoys. The Mentalist, Arrow, The Flash, Suits, Madam Secretary, Veep, Eye Candy, Jane the Virgin, Defiance, Brooklyn 99, Orphan Black, Elementary, Gotham, Haven, House of Cards, Musketeers, 12 Monkeys, The Americans, Dancing with the Stars, books. Marathoning: Friends (rewatch), Castle (rewatch). You May Also Find: The West Wing, The X-Files, Farscape, Friday Night Lights, Friends, Firefly, Disney, Sports Night, The OC, Nikita, NCIS, Justified, Leverage, Fringe, ER, Lost. Among many, many others. Credit: Icon UNBOWED, UNBENT, UNBROKEN ABOUT ME | ASK | SUBMIT FAQS | SPOILERS



i never even knew we had a night club down here PSA: Not taking prompts unless I ask for them/reblog a meme. Also, if you’re wondering why I unfollowed you, it’s probably for untagged Arrow spoilers. Grac(i)e. 30. Law student. New Yorker currently displaced in GA. TV addict. Bookworm. Baseball fan. Writer. Musician. Amateur photographer. Science nerd. INFP. Ravenclaw. Martell. District 4. Currently Into: Killjoys. The Mentalist, Arrow, The Flash, Suits, Madam Secretary, Veep, Eye Candy, Jane the Virgin, Defiance, Brooklyn 99, Orphan Black, Elementary, Gotham, Haven, House of Cards, Musketeers, 12 Monkeys, The Americans, Dancing with the Stars, books. Marathoning: Friends (rewatch), Castle (rewatch). You May Also Find: The West Wing, The X-Files, Farscape, Friday Night Lights, Friends, Firefly, Disney, Sports Night, The OC, Nikita, NCIS, Justified, Leverage, Fringe, ER, Lost. Among many, many others. Credit: Icon UNBOWED, UNBENT, UNBROKEN ABOUT ME | ASK | SUBMIT FAQS | SPOILERS
