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A Wolf at the Door

Jenna Kay Louie 22| Portland | Vegan Instagram: Jennakittyyy Writing | Music | Traveling Barbie Batchild | Club Hostess Hooping | Yoga | Healthy Living Ernest Hemingway encouraged the soul to “write hard and clear about what hurts.” I’ve never been able to forget that. We all have our demons, I wrestle mine into volumes of prose, deeply carved by lips swollen with the naivete of poetry.I sing to myself and stay up late, enamored by the beauty of shy glances, multicolored 3-day old bruises, yellowed lace & last night’s lipstick. Constantly daydreaming of the ocean, desert sunrises, and lush forests, I dance across this earth in search of self-love & light with all three eyes open, rainbows in my hair, and the sun on my skin.
