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This is a duck

Hi, I’m Sapphire. Aspiring writer. Emotionally stunted zealot. Eccentric genius. Friend to humanity. Enthusiastic autistic romantic optimistic sadistic hedonistic ticcer. Who speaks in broken sentences and can’t resist making an obvious joke. I either blog about anything I want or one thing for two weeks straight. There is no in between. If there is anything you need and/or want me to tag so your blacklist knows what to do, just ask me and I’ll tag it without question. INFP. Hufflepuff. Lawful Neutral 21 - Australian - Cis Female Panromantic bisexual Pronouns: She/her “I’m a bitch, I’m a lover I’m a child, I’m a mother I’m a sinner, I’m a saint. I do not feel ashamed.”

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Hi, I’m Sapphire. Aspiring writer. Emotionally stunted zealot. Eccentric genius. Friend to humanity. Enthusiastic autistic romantic optimistic sadistic hedonistic ticcer. Who speaks in broken sentences and can’t resist making an obvious joke. I either blog about anything I want or one thing for two weeks straight. There is no in between. If there is anything you need and/or want me to tag so your blacklist knows what to do, just ask me and I’ll tag it without question. INFP. Hufflepuff. Lawful Neutral 21 - Australian - Cis Female Panromantic bisexual Pronouns: She/her “I’m a bitch, I’m a lover I’m a child, I’m a mother I’m a sinner, I’m a saint. I do not feel ashamed.”
