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Love 20 cents the first quarter mile

Salutations! :) I’m Caroline. Thirtysomething, Optimist, Teacher, Lefty, Red-head, Vegetarian, Cat-person, Bisexual, Secular humanist, Very liberal political nerd, Avid reader, Poetry-lover, Ravenclaw, Whedonite, Gleek! And most importantly, I am… a work-in-progress! Still figuring myself out; still trying to make sense of the wacky world around me. But I try to have fun while doing so! :) I also love writing fanfiction (mostly Glee, and most of that is Kurt/Blaine although there are other pairings and fandoms) If you’re interested, you can find it over at my livejournal: http://caroline-shea.livejournal.com

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