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This is such a drag...

Brittany, 20, New York. INTJ personality type. Mainly animated shows, animated movies, animated movie/cartoon fan art, Pixar/Disney stuff, funny posts, my favorite music, stuff like that. I’m an animation junkie, and I aspire to one day become a dealer. Sometimes I draw things. And write stuff. And say things people might not want to hear. Currently taking up residence in the ShikaTema trash heap.

Feed: Related:


Brittany, 20, New York. INTJ personality type. Mainly animated shows, animated movies, animated movie/cartoon fan art, Pixar/Disney stuff, funny posts, my favorite music, stuff like that. I’m an animation junkie, and I aspire to one day become a dealer. Sometimes I draw things. And write stuff. And say things people might not want to hear. Currently taking up residence in the ShikaTema trash heap.



Brittany, 20, New York. INTJ personality type. Mainly animated shows, animated movies, animated movie/cartoon fan art, Pixar/Disney stuff, funny posts, my favorite music, stuff like that. I’m an animation junkie, and I aspire to one day become a dealer. Sometimes I draw things. And write stuff. And say things people might not want to hear. Currently taking up residence in the ShikaTema trash heap.
