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Geek Ruminations

My name is Lindsey and I live outside of Toronto, Ontario! I’m a magazine sales rep and writer of all things. I love a lot of geek and nerd things including but not limited to: superhero movies, Joss Whedon, Hunger Games, Harry Potter, Star Trek: TNG, knitting, excessive reading and Abe Lincoln humour. My current fav show is Castle and others include The West Wing, Murdoch Mysteries, Sherlock, Leverage, Warehouse 13 and Raising Hope. I ship: Josh/Donna, Castle/Beckett, William/Julia, Doctor/Rose, HG/Myka,  Chuck/Sarah, Olivia/Peter, Alt-Liv/Alt-Linc, Walter/Red Vines

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My name is Lindsey and I live outside of Toronto, Ontario! I’m a magazine sales rep and writer of all things. I love a lot of geek and nerd things including but not limited to: superhero movies, Joss Whedon, Hunger Games, Harry Potter, Star Trek: TNG, knitting, excessive reading and Abe Lincoln humour. My current fav show is Castle and others include The West Wing, Murdoch Mysteries, Sherlock, Leverage, Warehouse 13 and Raising Hope. I ship: Josh/Donna, Castle/Beckett, William/Julia, Doctor/Rose, HG/Myka,  Chuck/Sarah, Olivia/Peter, Alt-Liv/Alt-Linc, Walter/Red Vines



My name is Lindsey and I live outside of Toronto, Ontario! I’m a magazine sales rep and writer of all things. I love a lot of geek and nerd things including but not limited to: superhero movies, Joss Whedon, Hunger Games, Harry Potter, Star Trek: TNG, knitting, excessive reading and Abe Lincoln humour. My current fav show is Castle and others include The West Wing, Murdoch Mysteries, Sherlock, Leverage, Warehouse 13 and Raising Hope. I ship: Josh/Donna, Castle/Beckett, William/Julia, Doctor/Rose, HG/Myka,  Chuck/Sarah, Olivia/Peter, Alt-Liv/Alt-Linc, Walter/Red Vines
