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I’m a grown-ass woman interested in all of the following: Hannibal, Hugh Dancy, the Star Trek reboot (but more specifically, Kirk/Spock); the RPF Pinto fandom (Zachary Quinto/Chris Pine); Benedict Cumberbatch, BBC Sherlock (Johnlock and Jimlock); Glee and Klaine and sub!Blaine; Darren Criss; the intersection of religion and sexuality; kink and D/s power dynamics; queerness; media; writing; and language. Other identities: bisexual, married, mom, cis, submissive (ish? I’m in a period of flux right now), Texan-in-exile. I love a good ask, so hit me up if you feel like connecting! Oh, and if you want me to see something, I track the “wintrymix” tag, since Tumblr seems to hate hyphens. In real life, I am a professional religious person. On the rare occasions that I reference that on this blog, it’s always tagged “rev wintrymix” and behind a cut if it’s any length. If you’ve come my way via religious posts, please know that this blog is NSFW, vulgar, and sex- and kink-obsessed. As am I.
