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"However long it takes"

| Marine || France | Fangirling on my own is the best thing I do! 💫 The Vampire Diaries | Arrow | The Flash | Game of Thrones | The Walking Dead | Supernatural | Gotham | Daredevil | The 100 | HTGAWM | 💫 Big KLEFAROLINE shipper [Klaroline + Klefan + Steroline]. You’ve been warned, whether you like it or not so think twice before you start following me (or use your blacklists, I use tags for a reason!) ⚠ No ship war here!!! I don’t need your negativity! RESPECT MY CHOICES AND I’LL RESPECT YOURS. I don’t ask you to agree with me, just some respect! Why waste your time hating when you can fangirl, cry, scream, do your happy dance and spread the love? ;) ⚠ 💫 Caroline Forbes, Katherine Pierce and Sara Lance, Brooke Davis, Haley James Scott and are my QUEENS 👑

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