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This is the Story of My Life. Welcome to it.

Mack/Margarita is my name. I’m fantabulous and a Princess. Depression, Anxiety. OCD. Suicidal idealation. Low self esteem. Not happy about her weight. Insecuritires plague me.Tendency to get way too attached yet have a desire to be loved.I scare people away. My demons and I sometimes get along and hug and eat cheesecake when they aren’t threatening me.This is my reality. Blog is triggering. Occasionally I’ll share some prose I write. This is a side of me people really don’t get to see. I wish I could show two people in particular my tumblr and make them understand…My tumblr says more than they will ever get to know. I appreciate my followers. Inbox me to vent/for advice& whatnot. I really do try and help others when I can’t help my own problems. It brings me happiness. My heart is forever taken. 22 going on much older because of my experiences. I’m an old soul though young at heart and always will be. I adore Disney World and wearing tiaras. Adventure. Daredevil. Travel. Collector of cows. Music enthusiast. Proud empath and sapiosexual. INFP. Trying to figure life out. I post stuff I can relate to somehow about love or life in general. Hope is my saving grace and keeps me alive. Daily post limit {x}. Online {x}. Checking my inbox for messages {x}. Staying sane {}.

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