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The foolery floating past me & the bumblings of my brain Stand-up comedy junkie, geek, and closet romantic. Introspectively sexy. Flyyer than your girlfriend, fresher than your crew. ‘Bougie’, 'siddity’, and generally okay with that. But sometimes, I just wanna do hoodrat stuff with my friends. My richness consists not in the extent of my possessions, but in the fewness of my wants. And all I want is simplicity and success. And maybe some more shoes.



The foolery floating past me & the bumblings of my brain Stand-up comedy junkie, geek, and closet romantic. Introspectively sexy. Flyyer than your girlfriend, fresher than your crew. ‘Bougie’, 'siddity’, and generally okay with that. But sometimes, I just wanna do hoodrat stuff with my friends. My richness consists not in the extent of my possessions, but in the fewness of my wants. And all I want is simplicity and success. And maybe some more shoes.



The foolery floating past me & the bumblings of my brain Stand-up comedy junkie, geek, and closet romantic. Introspectively sexy. Flyyer than your girlfriend, fresher than your crew. ‘Bougie’, 'siddity’, and generally okay with that. But sometimes, I just wanna do hoodrat stuff with my friends. My richness consists not in the extent of my possessions, but in the fewness of my wants. And all I want is simplicity and success. And maybe some more shoes.



The foolery floating past me & the bumblings of my brain Stand-up comedy junkie, geek, and closet romantic. Introspectively sexy. Flyyer than your girlfriend, fresher than your crew. ‘Bougie’, 'siddity’, and generally okay with that. But sometimes, I just wanna do hoodrat stuff with my friends. My richness consists not in the extent of my possessions, but in the fewness of my wants. And all I want is simplicity and success. And maybe some more shoes.


Re-blog if you're accepting anonymous asks from anyone about anything.

The foolery floating past me & the bumblings of my brain Stand-up comedy junkie, geek, and closet romantic. Introspectively sexy. Flyyer than your girlfriend, fresher than your crew. ‘Bougie’, 'siddity’, and generally okay with that. But sometimes, I just wanna do hoodrat stuff with my friends. My richness consists not in the extent of my possessions, but in the fewness of my wants. And all I want is simplicity and success. And maybe some more shoes.
