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Suplexing Super-Hobbit

A blog for professional wrestling fans who also love Tolkien and DC Comics! Or, uh, superhero fans who are fond of pro wrestling and Lord of the Rings. Or I suppose lovers of Middle Earth who also have a thing for kayfabe and Superman/Batman. If you are not in that rarified company, don’t flee! My most common tags for filtering purposes are #dc comics, #superbat, #wwe, #the hobbit, #silmarillion, and #bagginshield. I have a sideblog just for wrestling gifs, Mithen-Gifs-Wrestling! Other things likely to appear here sporadically include BBC Sherlock, Granada Holmes, the Musketeers, Star Trek, Isaac Asimov’s Robots series, Man from UNCLE, and the requisite amount of cute cats… Please let me know if there’s anything else you’d like tagged! I track #missmithen if you’d like to call something to my attention. My AO3 account is here for all my fanfic–mostly DC Comics and the Hobbit. Mostly slash–this blog will have some slashy things but very rarely anything NSFW (I will tag those as such).

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