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This and That

Ok, so I’m Kat and I love Klaine and I love both the men that so beautifully bring them to life on my screen. But first and foremost my fangirl heart belongs to Darren. My RL friends simply do not share the same affection for Glee, Klaine and, most importantly, Darren that I do. So I turned to the Internet looking for like minded souls with whom to share my obsession, and that brought me to Tumblr. I’m still sort of new to this so, for now, most of this blog will likely be reblogging with the occasional opinion about a Glee episode, or the status of Klaine, or a fic rec, thrown in for good measure. You may also find the occasional post about other things I find of interest, but for now anyway, it will be mostly all Klaine/Glee/Chris/Darren all the time. I simply cannot stomach the idea of Kurt or Blaine with anyone other than each other so you will find no multi-shipping here. I have nothing against anyone who does ship other pairings (go forth and ship as you will) I’m just saying you won’t find it on my blog. Likewise, while I won’t unfollow someone because I see the occasional post about, say for example, Kadam, if it appears to be a pattern I probably will unfollow you. It’s nothing personal, really it’s not, it’s just that it’s not something I’m interested in seeing on my dash. And I hesitate to put this out there because it seems to be so polarizing within the fandom but I might as well lay it all on the line…..here’s my take on crisscolfer: Do I ship it? I would probably say yes I do. Do I ship it in the way of shouting it from the rooftops and insisting that anyone who doe not see that they are really together must be deaf, dumb and blind? No. No I do not. I ship it in the sense that there is no denying the amazing chemistry that Chris and Darren have with each other. I think that the idea that they are a real life couple is a lovely notion and, while I’m not expecting it or anxiously awaiting it, if they one day came out as a couple I would not be at all surprised.

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