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The partialBatch Commit Mode In The Power BI Enhanced Refresh API

I have always wondered what the partialBatch option for the commitMode parameter in the Enhanced Refresh API does exactly. There is some documentation here and here but I was curious to find out ...


Power BI Semantic Model Memory Errors, Part 2: Max Offline Semantic Model Size

In the Power BI Service, Import mode models are stored offline and paged into memory only when they are needed – for example because someone runs a report that uses the model as its source. As ...


New Semi Join, Anti Join And Query Folding Functionality In Power Query

There are a couple of nice new features to do with table joins (or merges as they are known in M) and query folding in Power Query in the April release of Power BI Desktop that I want to highligh...


Power BI Paginated Reports That Connect To Web Services And Excel

By far the most exciting announcement for me this week was the new release of Power BI Report Builder that has Power Query built in, allowing you to connect to far more data sources in paginated ...
