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Comments for Don't Wake Me: The Ballad Of Nihal Armstrong

“Writing a play in verse is a tough call – that fracture-line between form and fluency; but the author found a six-, sometimes seven-beat line where the rhymes didn’t push speech towards doggerel, which is so often the trap, but were laid off by the extra syllable: ‘turned the corner’ [as it were]. I knew it was working because I was caught up in the narrative and wasn’t listening for the rhyme. Aside from that, it’s a very moving piece and I thought Jaye Griffiths did a great job: not least in giving the lines some air and finding the stresses and line-breaks that the verse was asking for. Guy’s direction was pin-perfect — he used a light touch to terrific effect.” David Harsent, winner of the T S Eliot prize for poetry, 2015
