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The Skeleton Queen. Trigger Warning.

* Pansexual * Vegetarian * Bass Player * Gemini * INTP * I AM NOT PRO ED, SELF HARM, HARMFUL DRUGS OR SUICIDE. I AM ANTI ALL OF THE ABOVE. This blog is kind of like an online journal, and it’s nice because when I get the urge to scroll through the pro ana tag again, all of you wonderful people post so much encouraging stuff to make me stop. Thank you for all of the anti-pro ana/self harm/suicide bloggers out there. Please seek immediate help if you suffer from any psychiatric illness or addiction as they’re tremendously harmful and contagious. www.mentalhealth.gov www.imalive.org http://www.eatingdisorderhope.com/recovery/support-groups/online http://www.addictionrecoveryguide.org/treatment/online
