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Leaf Jelly

★Warning★ this blog does have nsfw, not all the time but it will. I also don’t tag a lot of things but always (#nsfw) including gore,blood, anything children shouldn’t see is in nsfw tag. ★Possible VISUALLY disturbing things will be tagged (#tw) ★Food is tagged as (#food) ★I will always tag with (#epilepsy warning) for anything of flashing bright colors or lights, anything that strains your eyes to see, anything that is really neon. ★Clowns are tagged as (#clowns) ★Trypophobia is tagged as (#trypophobia) which includes clustered holes, repeating hole patterns, etc. ★Cursor credit goes to lucifers-ass-cheek on tumblr ★Floating organs credit goes to churaghost on tumblr ★Pixels of my OCs are the ones in this bar, above on this bar, and the one giggling in the bottom left corner are made by me!
