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An artist with no pen, and a writer with no words

Miri ♥ 24 ♥ cis, she/her/hers pronouns, bisexual British girl with more internet time than is healthy. Here there be fandom over-analysis. Teacher-in-training. I have a queue running from about 5-12pm GMT, so if you see me posting around then you can probably assume it’s that. This is a multifandom blog, whose main focus depends heavily on what my dash is reblogging today and/or what shows are currently airing. Currently, the most common fandom is probably Steven Universe. A complete list of fandoms you’ll find on here would take forever, so just rest assured that I always tag stuff with the fandom for your TS needs. (Also included on this blog are random nonfandom things that make me feel things or I think look cool, and a fair bit of posting about social justice issues.) I’m something of a multishipper. Even if I don’t ship it, my policy is ship and let ship, so I won’t judge you for yours if you don’t judge me for mine. I follow the Homestuck Quadrants method of identifying my ships, so don’t feel too confused if you see me tagging stuff with a “pale” OTP tag - rest assured, I’m working on a post explaining wtf that means. For now, this might help! This blog will likely contain rants about the shows or rebuttals to wank, tagged under “complaining about shows you watch”/“complaining about fandom”. Feel free to tumblr saviour those if you want to avoid that! This has been your fair warning.  Online Users #xkit_badge {filter: alpha(opacity=50); -moz-opacity: 0.5; -khtml-opacity: 0.5; opacity: 0.5; -webkit-transition: 0.3s ease-in; -moz-transition: 0.3s ease-in; -o-transition: 0.3s ease-in; transition: 0.3s ease-in; } #xkit_badge:hover { opacity: 1; }

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