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A Salty Marshmallow Filled With Tobasco Sauce

Hello there! My name’s Mok (please don’t capitalize the K). [they/them/their]. 22, Pisces, INFJ, dyslexic, genderfluid nerd. Pansexual/Asexual depending the moment, still figuring it out. I’m always open to messages! I answer messages privately when possible and publicly only when they are on anon, the answers to which are found here: #Anonymous Nonnie Publically answered questions are usually for either PSA purposes or because of a Meta Discussion, and can be found answered here: #Mok Heeds The Call I also write fanfiction! Mok Fic Master-Post Here! My Dragon Age Meta is in here, for reference: #Dragon Age Meta Please, no Templar or Chantry Apologists.
