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Studying Art at Austin Peay State University with the dream of becoming a successful ceramicist. (Our school slogan is GO PEAY…) This blog is just my way of letting other people pan for internet gold and bring it to my dash. Keeps me off reddit too. My three favorite blogs currently are mortumvulgarem, natureac, and deepikasinghasong. Check them out but don’t tell them I sent you. I mostly reblog, but every now and then I post some of my wire-wrapped minerals and I post mass updates of the pottery I make at the studio. I play NBA 2k way too much and love winter. While jet-fuel cannot melt steel beams, it can soften them enough to give under immense weight. Some of you really need that clarified. If you are interested, I can sell some of my stuff off-the-record, but that is really one of my last priorities. I would like to sharpen my sword before you send me into battle if you know what I mean. My Ceramic Pieces My Wire-Wrapped Minerals
