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A place for things

mostly Martin Freeman, mostly harmless WARNING: I reblog set pics and spoilers, but all will be tagged. Sherlock set pics will be tagged as “setlock” and “sherlock s4”. Marvel movies are just “marvel” but I will use specific title tags, ex: “captain america civil war"  This blog is mainly a place for fandom stuff, and liberal progressive ranting – oh, and knitting. People: Martin Freeman, Richard Armitage, Lee Pace, Benedict Cumberbatch, Chris Evans, Stephen Colbert - Fandoms: Sherlock, LOTR, The Hobbit, Avengers, X-Men, Star Trek, Pacific Rim, did I mention all Tolkien? - Ships: Bagginshield, Johnlock, Cherik, and vicarious Destiel (I don’t actually watch SPN)

Feed: Related:


mostly Martin Freeman, mostly harmless WARNING: I reblog set pics and spoilers, but all will be tagged. Sherlock set pics will be tagged as “setlock” and “sherlock s4”. Marvel movies are just “marvel” but I will use specific title tags, ex: “captain america civil war"  This blog is mainly a place for fandom stuff, and liberal progressive ranting – oh, and knitting. People: Martin Freeman, Richard Armitage, Lee Pace, Benedict Cumberbatch, Chris Evans, Stephen Colbert - Fandoms: Sherlock, LOTR, The Hobbit, Avengers, X-Men, Star Trek, Pacific Rim, did I mention all Tolkien? - Ships: Bagginshield, Johnlock, Cherik, and vicarious Destiel (I don’t actually watch SPN)


The evolution of my avatar

mostly Martin Freeman, mostly harmless WARNING: I reblog set pics and spoilers, but all will be tagged. Sherlock set pics will be tagged as “setlock” and “sherlock s4”. Marvel movies are just “marvel” but I will use specific title tags, ex: “captain america civil war"  This blog is mainly a place for fandom stuff, and liberal progressive ranting – oh, and knitting. People: Martin Freeman, Richard Armitage, Lee Pace, Benedict Cumberbatch, Chris Evans, Stephen Colbert - Fandoms: Sherlock, LOTR, The Hobbit, Avengers, X-Men, Star Trek, Pacific Rim, did I mention all Tolkien? - Ships: Bagginshield, Johnlock, Cherik, and vicarious Destiel (I don’t actually watch SPN)
