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70% Original content, 30% reblog of…. photography, 4 season farming, and other things that inspire me or make me laugh. Meat eater, politic hater, gun toter, hunter, passionate about feeding my community, and believe in soil biology instead of short term chemical fixes. You don’t have to be any of those things, but if you don’t like it…feel free to not follow. Beyond 4 season farming, I’ve been an RN for about 13 years that works in OB (staff) and informatics/policy/education and precepting. I am working on my BSN@ the University of Michigan. Somehow…I am considered a senior there, but it will take me at least 2 more years to finish with the pace I’ve chosen to take so I can maintain my family life, career, businesses, and sanity…..wish me luck. I lost my dad in April, so I’m trying to heal through that. You’ll have to read about grief, anxiety over the loss of a parent, and how I’m coping with it.
