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My Cluttered Home

Kat (nickname) 19, and I’m a lesbian. TOTAL EVIL REGAL FAN! Lana Parrilla is a wonderful woman who has been such an inspiration! STREEPER who loves Meryl Streep and her goddessness! Well, I love kick ass, badass, no shit from anyone, sassy pants women. So, the list is rather long. SWAN QUEEN, Red Beauty, Fairy Queen (brotp), Red Swan Queen, FrankenWolf, Sleeping Warrior CASKETT, Esplaine, Ryan^2 SHULES, KARLTON MIRANDY, MAC, Donna/Sam RIZZLES, Sareth, and more… My Fanfiction/Ao3 accounts are also CrazyBeCat. :) If you need to talk about anything, I am open to listen. I know what it is like to not have anyone to talk to, and I will listen and love and care. I love you all, you are all so beautiful, and I would love to get to know as many of you as possible. Love you all, CBC
