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The Blood Orange Viper's Den

Hey, welcome to my blog! You’re looking really great today, I must say :) What better way to introduce a blog than with a compliment, eh? I’m Paul, 22, from Northern Ireland, a guy who is trying, and failing, to be a responsible adult. I post fandom (mainly Game of Thrones, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Marvel, comics, movies, video games and other TV shows), humour, art, music, points of interest and random stuff. Also expect a good number of my selfies to appear on this blog too! I am currently dating an amazing, talented and very beautiful girl, Tara (marmaladeandmarzipan), who may pop up every so often on this blog so please show your love for her too Formerly known as the White Knight, I try to live up to that title in all that I do here. I want to create a welcoming atmosphere for all those who enter my blog as passing admirers and close the tab as friends :) I hope you have a great day, wherever you are in the world, and I really hope to hear from you all soon! :D
