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AoK Questions Answered

In which John Green answers reader questions about his novel An Abundance of Katherines. Before submitting your questions, please check the FAQ, because I may have already answered it (or explained why I won’t answer it). Submit your question below, and thanks for reading An Abundance of Katherines! 1. How did you decide the right amount of Katherines? 2. Why did you choose tampon strings? 3. Why does Katherines seem to get the least attention of your books? 4. Why the name ‘Katherine’? 5. Did you try out the formula on the relationships in your life? 6. Did you try writing Katherines in first person? 7. Why did you decide to use footnotes? 8. Can you explain why Colin reads Seymour: An Introduction by J.D. Salinger? 9. Is Gutshot completely fictional? 10. Why Archduke Franz Ferdinand? 11. Is there any particular reason you chose to include a Muslim character? 12. Do you have any advice for people who feel like they’re constantly chameleoning? 13. Did you intent to make Colin in any way autistic? 14. How did Daniel Biss’ mathematical help factor into the writing process? 15. Why did you decide to write a character like Colin? 16. What do you think about the response to 'what’s the point in being alive if you don’t at least try to do something remarkable’? 17. What’s the point in having Hassan drink and kiss a girl? 18. Was there any reason why you chose the name Colin? 19. Can you talk about Colin’s feeling of a hole in his stomach? 20. How did you come up with the format for AoK?
