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Kali Linux

Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking Linux Distribution


Kali Unkaputtbar

> ADJECTIVE (GERMAN) >  > UNKAPUTTBAR  > (comparative unkaputtbarer, superlative am unkaputtbarsten)  >  > From un- + kaputt + -bar. (colloquial) indestructible, unbreakable ...


WSL2 and Kali

Kali Linux has had support for WSL for some time , but its usefulness has been somewhat limited. This was mostly due to restrictions placed on some system calls , most importantly those revolving...


Kali on KRACK

WPA2 KEY REINSTALLATION ATTACK OR KRACK ATTACK Recently, Mathy Vanhoef of imec-DistriNet, KU Leuven, discovered a serious weakness in WPA2 known as the Key Reinstallation AttaCK (or KRACK) attac...
