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Shadow From Asshai

Valar Morghulis. This blog is mainly dedicated to all things A Song of Ice and Fire, Game of Thrones and occasionally Assassin’s Creed, among many other random things - and there will be many random things, I can assure you. I am prone to writing lengthy posts every now and then, especially if the issue is my feelings on House Martell (because I have loads of those) or films I’m hyped up about. I’m a fairly easy person to interact with so you can leave stuff in my inbox if you want to. Warning: This is NOT a spoiler-free blog.



Valar Morghulis. This blog is mainly dedicated to all things A Song of Ice and Fire, Game of Thrones and occasionally Assassin’s Creed, among many other random things - and there will be many random things, I can assure you. I am prone to writing lengthy posts every now and then, especially if the issue is my feelings on House Martell (because I have loads of those) or films I’m hyped up about. I’m a fairly easy person to interact with so you can leave stuff in my inbox if you want to. Warning: This is NOT a spoiler-free blog.



Valar Morghulis. This blog is mainly dedicated to all things A Song of Ice and Fire, Game of Thrones and occasionally Assassin’s Creed, among many other random things - and there will be many random things, I can assure you. I am prone to writing lengthy posts every now and then, especially if the issue is my feelings on House Martell (because I have loads of those) or films I’m hyped up about. I’m a fairly easy person to interact with so you can leave stuff in my inbox if you want to. Warning: This is NOT a spoiler-free blog.
