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Plaid for Women Radio

Plaid for Women Radio is designed to help women develop strategies to achieve goals, get connected, and be heard. It's time for women to stop trying to be PART of the conversation; we need to CHANGE the conversation! Toward that end, our focus is on sharing thoughts that will help women discover their superpowers and use them for good, not evil. There's more tools for women to be found at www.PlaidforWomen.com. You can also connect with me on Facebook: ThinkZinkRadio, or 20TipsForPowerChicks. You can also find and follow me on Twitter: @sarahzink. PLAID FOR WOMEN RADIO is on 24/7 - you can listen to archived shows any time you want - on your computer, your laptop, your iPad or your smart phone. Check us out and subscribe for FREE in the iTunes store! (https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/plaid-for-women-radio/id515873233)
