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Brain Words

My name is Dawn. I’m a student of Linguistics. I am VERY LOUD and know a song for everything. I love words, sundresses, drinking tea, playing with kids, singing around a campfire, writing, and generally being awesome. I’m a nerdfighter, Ravenclaw and a future companion of the Doctor (hey, a girl can dream).



tam3lo : > amateur-artist > : >  >  >>  gayteensupreme >>  : >>   >>   >>>   queer-as-duck >>>   : >>>    >>>    >>>>    prismatic-bell >>>>    : >>>>     >>...



My name is Dawn. I’m a student of Linguistics. I am VERY LOUD and know a song for everything. I love words, sundresses, drinking tea, playing with kids, singing around a campfire, writing, and generally being awesome. I’m a nerdfighter, Ravenclaw and a future companion of the Doctor (hey, a girl can dream).
