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Bakken & Bæck

It's been a while since Styleboost was last updated. But last year we started working on a redesign and relaunch of Styleboost. It's coming along nicely, but we're not ready to launch just yet. I...


Code and Theory

In case you've been living under a rock, I'd like to point out that Code and Theory is one of the hottest agencies to follow these days. Make sure to check out their diverse and highly impressive...



Framer is the new toolkit for the cool kids looking to turn static mockups into prototypes with animation & interaction. The toolkit itself is certainly worth a mention. But in addition to this, ...



Jam3 is a Canadian digital agency specializing in advertising and entertainment. My favorite part of their site is how they've put together their case studies.



Dataveyes is an agile French agency specializing in "Human-Data interactions". I came across their site as I was doing research for Orbit — a service we recently launched at Bakken & Bæck . I...



Teaser sites for mobile and desktop apps come by the dozen these days. Still, very few of these sites manage to capture both the app's functionality, as well as the ease of use, as elegantly as C...



The recent redesign of Time.com is a modern text before photos approach to news design. The articles get the attention they deserve. The structure is highly influenced by sites like Quartz or Th...
