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The important thing first. I mostly reblog fanstuffs. It’s hardly exciting. Every now and then I rant about things that happen where I live, but you won’t care, trust me. So if I follow you and you’re not sure you want to - it’s ok to not follow me back. Really. And now: I’m Andi, I’m 30, from the Balkans but currently in Prague. I like music, books, genealogy, languages and am in different (RPF) fandoms. I mainly post (reblog) hockey, One Direction, Deadpool and feminist and LGBT* rage. Other than that you might see some Avengers, Teen Wolf, Tom Hardy, Sherlock, British comedians, occasional Panic! at the Disco, Patrick Stump and random music and shows related posts. I got into hockey recently. Since my home team is in Europe, I can flirt all over NHL. My favorites are Crosby and Malkin but I’ll reblog anyone I find adorable regardless of their team. This blog is Nc17 but who am I to judge if you’re a rebel for porn. The easiest way to get me to unfollow you is to call someone a f*g, wh**e, c**t, s**t etc. I don’t care if they set your house on fire, when you use those words as insults, you offend me, your mother, your best friend and random strangers you never met who rescue kittens from trees. I think that’s it :) Thanks for reading :)

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The important thing first. I mostly reblog fanstuffs. It’s hardly exciting. Every now and then I rant about things that happen where I live, but you won’t care, trust me. So if I follow you and you’re not sure you want to - it’s ok to not follow me back. Really. And now: I’m Andi, I’m 30, from the Balkans but currently in Prague. I like music, books, genealogy, languages and am in different (RPF) fandoms. I mainly post (reblog) hockey, One Direction, Deadpool and feminist and LGBT* rage. Other than that you might see some Avengers, Teen Wolf, Tom Hardy, Sherlock, British comedians, occasional Panic! at the Disco, Patrick Stump and random music and shows related posts. I got into hockey recently. Since my home team is in Europe, I can flirt all over NHL. My favorites are Crosby and Malkin but I’ll reblog anyone I find adorable regardless of their team. This blog is Nc17 but who am I to judge if you’re a rebel for porn. The easiest way to get me to unfollow you is to call someone a f*g, wh**e, c**t, s**t etc. I don’t care if they set your house on fire, when you use those words as insults, you offend me, your mother, your best friend and random strangers you never met who rescue kittens from trees. I think that’s it :) Thanks for reading :)



phantomrose96 : > ryukiki :  >  >>  powdermelonkeg >>  :  >>   >>>   powdermelonkeg >>>   :  >>>    >>>>    ALT >>>    >>>   ALT >  > File your taxes for fr...
