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Things that have my Attention:

And things that are worth yours as well. All sorts of things. No porn but also not exactly rated PG either. 28yo, Male, Townsville Queensland Australia. Identifying as a homophile (Greek, same - loving) because I love men, I don’t just want to have sex with them. I love me some fanfic because it give representation to my kind of love that is so very hard to find in most forms of media. More random trivia about me: I’m an amateur actor, playwright, director and writer. I play (used to) several musical instruments and singing. I have a Bachelor of Science majoring in physiology after only getting through half a pharmacy degree. After not being able to find a job in my city doing something even remotely related to medical science, I studied English/Literature subjects, did a Grad Dip in Education with good grades but could not bring myself to complete my final prac despite having 2 goes at it in the public system. I couldn’t handle being in charge of managing the behaviour of so many little demons while still having to be a “Proper Adult”. I don’t know. I couldn’t handle the pressure of the system I guess. I’m still a delicate flower and can’t deal with a lot of things yet. Can you tell I have some issues about this and other things. I maybe be a little more fucked up than I seem. Sigh. I will survive though (my fav song). ;) I’m also an occultist, philosopher, warlock/wizard/urban shaman, and I’m not talking in the DnD sense either. My patron God is Mercury/Hermes in the neopagan tradition (an internet deity if ever there existed one pre internet, right?). I’m a left hand path, however I would describe myself as more scholarly than practising. My philosophy aligns closer to a form of pantheism similar to the Force and informed by Taoist teachings and Chaos magic theory. I’m also a practising Discordian - follower of the neophilic irreligion worshipping Eris Kalisti Discordia. Sounds weirder than it is. I tend to fall into an atheists category on most issues however, because it is a philosophy I find beautiful and fascinating. Did I mention I don’t mind embodying paradox? Don’t worry it all synthesises into a pretty stable form - me. If you want to get an idea of my personality, the content of this blog gives a pretty good indication of what I’m like based on what I like. ;) Everything on this is reblogged from somewhere else and I claim no credit for any of these images whatsoever unless I state they are mine, only for any witty remarks I may make under them. Any copyright issues you may have should be taken up with the people I have reblogged them from or whoever upstream of me who has handled them. I just reblog cool shit and am not interested in getting involved in anyone’s pissing battles with other people over who owns what and how things should be treated on the internet. Where possible credit will be credited but asking me to reblog or find shit is a pain and I’m not interested. Things have my attention then pass by such is the nature of the web. My blog here is very as-I-find-it/stream-of-consciousness.

Feed: Related:


And things that are worth yours as well. All sorts of things. No porn but also not exactly rated PG either. 28yo, Male, Townsville Queensland Australia. Identifying as a homophile (Greek, same - loving) because I love men, I don’t just want to have sex with them. I love me some fanfic because it give representation to my kind of love that is so very hard to find in most forms of media. More random trivia about me: I’m an amateur actor, playwright, director and writer. I play (used to) several musical instruments and singing. I have a Bachelor of Science majoring in physiology after only getting through half a pharmacy degree. After not being able to find a job in my city doing something even remotely related to medical science, I studied English/Literature subjects, did a Grad Dip in Education with good grades but could not bring myself to complete my final prac despite having 2 goes at it in the public system. I couldn’t handle being in charge of managing the behaviour of so many little demons while still having to be a “Proper Adult”. I don’t know. I couldn’t handle the pressure of the system I guess. I’m still a delicate flower and can’t deal with a lot of things yet. Can you tell I have some issues about this and other things. I maybe be a little more fucked up than I seem. Sigh. I will survive though (my fav song). ;) I’m also an occultist, philosopher, warlock/wizard/urban shaman, and I’m not talking in the DnD sense either. My patron God is Mercury/Hermes in the neopagan tradition (an internet deity if ever there existed one pre internet, right?). I’m a left hand path, however I would describe myself as more scholarly than practising. My philosophy aligns closer to a form of pantheism similar to the Force and informed by Taoist teachings and Chaos magic theory. I’m also a practising Discordian - follower of the neophilic irreligion worshipping Eris Kalisti Discordia. Sounds weirder than it is. I tend to fall into an atheists category on most issues however, because it is a philosophy I find beautiful and fascinating. Did I mention I don’t mind embodying paradox? Don’t worry it all synthesises into a pretty stable form - me. If you want to get an idea of my personality, the content of this blog gives a pretty good indication of what I’m like based on what I like. ;) Everything on this is reblogged from somewhere else and I claim no credit for any of these images whatsoever unless I state they are mine, only for any witty remarks I may make under them. Any copyright issues you may have should be taken up with the people I have reblogged them from or whoever upstream of me who has handled them. I just reblog cool shit and am not interested in getting involved in anyone’s pissing battles with other people over who owns what and how things should be treated on the internet. Where possible credit will be credited but asking me to reblog or find shit is a pain and I’m not interested. Things have my attention then pass by such is the nature of the web. My blog here is very as-I-find-it/stream-of-consciousness.
