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irrational urges

I’m a baby lawyer. (As in, I’m new to this; I’m not a Doogie Howser baby genius.) When I’m not staring at a computer screen or doing other super interesting lawyer things, I like to do all the yoga, eat Tex-Mex (queso NOM), continue my quest to find the best margarita on the planet (Polvo’s, anyone?), and enjoy the good life in my new hometown of Houston, Texas. I spend a large portion of my day dreaming about doing handstands. On this tumblr, you’ll find: jokes! a lot of reblogging (what up, favorite tumblr peeps!!)! the occasional news mention! and a lot of random pictures and stories chronicling the life of a newly minted 30-year-old! Oh, and I also post pictures of my pooch, Jasper. He’s the bees knees. Join me, won’t you?
