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Shipping In The Middle Ages

Clearly too old for this whole Tumblr business but the Saviour and her Pirate are calling me. Not a spoiler free blog. Captain Swan, OUAT, writing and the odd random bit from my life. Rocking it with the oldies (and the old at heart) at Moms for Hook Co-Founder of You Stabbed Me Dave the home of Captain Charming Friday Part of theCS Artists Network Drabbling at OUAT drabbles Member of the Captain Charming Swan Network

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Clearly too old for this whole Tumblr business but the Saviour and her Pirate are calling me. Not a spoiler free blog. Captain Swan, OUAT, writing and the odd random bit from my life. Rocking it with the oldies (and the old at heart) at Moms for Hook Co-Founder of You Stabbed Me Dave the home of Captain Charming Friday Part of theCS Artists Network Drabbling at OUAT drabbles Member of the Captain Charming Swan Network
