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Diabetics with Eating Disorders

DWED (Diabetics with Eating Disorders) is registered charity. Recent research shows that not only are females* who have type one diabetes at twice the risk of developing anorexia or bulimia, as many as 40% of 15 – 30 year olds regularly omit insulin. This practice can have devastating consequences such as organ failure, infertility, blindness and in the worst cases, death. Despite the horrendous complications and staggering prevalence deliberate insulin manipulation/ omission (or diabulimia as the press have named it) is not diagnosable and there are no current guidelines for the NHS on how to deal with the issue. You may notice that we use the term ED-DMT1 and Diabulimia. In September 2008 new nomenclature was recommended at an international focus group held in Minneapolis composed of individuals with interest and expertise in Eating Disorders among individuals with Type 1 Diabetes. The group recommend that the term ED-DMT1 be used to designate Eating Disorder - Diabetes Mellitus Type 1. DWED uses this ED-DMT1 as it is representative of the vast range of Eating Disorders that affect those with Type 1 Diabetes. We also use Diabulimia as many of our members have identified with that term. Our aim is to be as inclusive as possible
