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A group dedicated to the use of and sharing of techniques and settings for G'MIC, a free open-source image processing framework (including a command line tool and a plug-in for GIMP), running on Windows, Mac and Linux. The main web page of the G'MIC project is : gmic.eu [http://gmic.eu/] The plug-in for GIMP can be downloaded here : gmic.eu/gimp.shtml [http://gmic.eu/gimp.shtml] The reference documentation of the G'MIC scripting language can be found here : gmic.eu/reference.shtml [http://gmic.eu/reference.shtml] If you are using G'MIC, and you like it, and you have a flattr account, feel free to push the button below : [http://flattr.com/thing/41097/GMIC-GREYCs-Magic-Image-Converter]
