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10 Best Accessories To Make Your Bathroom The Ultimate Haven In Your Home

10 BEST ACCESSORIES TO MAKE YOUR BATHROOM THE ULTIMATE HAVEN IN YOUR HOME With our super hectic lives and chalked-up schedules, bathtime is probably the only time of the day when we get to t...


This Revolutionary Tap Recycles Water From The Sink For Flushing The Toilet

THIS REVOLUTIONARY TAP RECYCLES WATER FROM THE SINK FOR FLUSHING THE TOILET Bathtime is one of my favorite times of the day! It’s that duration of the day when I get some peace and quiet f...


Durat’s Sustainable Surfaces Merge Aesthetics with Environmental Ethics

DURAT’S SUSTAINABLE SURFACES MERGE AESTHETICS WITH ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS Since its establishment in 1990, Durat, a Finnish leader in sustainable design materials, has been at the forefront ...


Kohler brutalist smart toilet conveys the transformative power of water

KOHLER BRUTALIST SMART TOILET CONVEYS THE TRANSFORMATIVE POWER OF WATER It’s almost too easy to take for granted what a toilet looks like, especially considering what we use it for. At the...


Kohler Unveils A Faucet So Eye-catching, You Won’t Stop Washing Your Hands

KOHLER UNVEILS A FAUCET SO EYE-CATCHING, YOU WON’T STOP WASHING YOUR HANDS Imagine a faucet that’s not just functional, but a sculptural centerpiece in your bathroom. The Kohler x SR-A F...
