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My name is Ryan Mackfall. I’m a director, cinematographer and producer originally from Cornwall, England who works all over the world. Right now I work largely with bands, directing music promos, documentaries and viral content. I’m currently transitioning my career into the field of feature/short films though. I aim to involve myself in as many creative areas as I can. It’s all part of being a better director. I will film anything (within reason) and enjoy working within a team. A lot of my work comes from the music industry, however I don’t really like to pigeonhole myself into single categories. We all need to be flexible in our fields. My aim is to be a features director. My other loves include surfing, music, swimming and the wild. I’m a film geek. I try to twist many things in my life with as much dry humour/weird humour as possible. This site is a break down of my work, my life, my daily creative inspirations, antics on the road and various other random insights. For more information on my company visit: crashburnmedia.com

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