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To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.

My name’s Kaylynne, I’m 23 and into many many fandoms, but mostly Supernatural, LOTR, ASoIaF, Legend of Korra, Justified, etc. I love to read, and watch waaay too many TV shows. I’m going to college, and this semester will be my last! I’m doing a double major in Forensics and Criminal Justice. I already have an associate’s degree in Biotechnology. Anyhow, I’m irl bff’s with loveydoveyecstasy.tumblr.com, we’ve known each other since grade school, and I guess if there’s anything else you want to know, just ask.Oh, and I have a really bad habit of caring, which some people say is good, and because I care, anytime anyone needs to talk, I’m always here for ya, and will do my best to help :)

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