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Is a 33 year old female who was born and raised in Texas and has yet to escape the Texas heat. She is far too obsessive with comics, video games, any kind of books and all things cerebral and waves her geek flag high and proud. Has been known to ruin childhood memories with slash and other pervy things but is somewhat leery of anyone too fannish and a lot of fandom drama. Cannot stand fandom drama and wanking personally but will not pour fuel on a fire or feed a troll. Is a firm supporter of respecting people’s opinions and hopes you will do the same.Has had a lifelong obsession with all things Marvel comics but has been known to dabble in MCU stuff as well and even RP on occassion. Is a complete Avengers nut is more than a little obsessed with Sebastian Stan at the moment so beware. Is also deeply in love with Hawkeye and Quicksilver so expect squeeing on that front. Loves shipping and friendships just as much and even if she does not like you ship, will endeavor not to badmouth, belittle or insult people for liking something that does not turn her crank. Can be outspoken at times but is rarely rude and so long as you respect her views, she will respect your own. Otherwise, she will welcome any and all squeeing over mutually loved subjects and generalized geekery because that’s what tumblr is for, right?. Can and will curse like a sailor at times so if foul language is not your cup of tea, you’ve been warned. Does not generally talk in the third person and while she is a little crazy, it’s a lovable kind of crazy. You can expect just about anything from this tumblr so welcome to my zany corner of the internet! -El
