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uhm... hai?

I’m Carolien, a 21 year old linguistics student from the Netherlands. My blog is about all kinds of rthings including Harry Potter related things, photography & music. Some things I love/like: Stories. music, books, movies, photography, reading, language, art, history. Harry Potter, Doctor Who, Arrowverse, Teen Wolf, Sherlock, Narnia, The Hobbit, Eragon, The Host, AVPM, Glee, Stargate, Gilmore Girls, Guardians of Time, The Hunger Games, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Inception, Wicked.John Green, Maureen Johnson, Jane Austen, Michael Ende, Astrid Lindgren, Thea Beckman, Annie MG Schmidt.If you want to know more about me and this blog, check the about page :). DFTBA! ask II deviantart II twitter youtube II flickr II goodreads random people online


uhm... hai?

I’m Carolien, a 21 year old linguistics student from the Netherlands. My blog is about all kinds of rthings including Harry Potter related things, photography & music. Some things I love/like: Stories. music, books, movies, photography, reading, language, art, history. Harry Potter, Doctor Who, Arrowverse, Teen Wolf, Sherlock, Narnia, The Hobbit, Eragon, The Host, AVPM, Glee, Stargate, Gilmore Girls, Guardians of Time, The Hunger Games, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Inception, Wicked.John Green, Maureen Johnson, Jane Austen, Michael Ende, Astrid Lindgren, Thea Beckman, Annie MG Schmidt.If you want to know more about me and this blog, check the about page :). DFTBA! ask II deviantart II twitter youtube II flickr II goodreads random people online
