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Purse Blog

My blog is basically about my travels through sewing land making quilts and tote bags and purses. I am learning as I go and willing to help others. I love to sew and love fabric. I am a retired school teacher. I have a store on ebay http://stores.shop.ebay.com/Fabric-for-quilts-and-more and I am the owner of a yahoo group called sewingtotebagsandpurses

Feed: Related:

Purse Blog

My blog is basically about my travels through sewing land making quilts and tote bags and purses. I am learning as I go and willing to help others. I love to sew and love fabric. I am a retired school teacher. I have a store on ebay http://stores.shop.ebay.com/Fabric-for-quilts-and-more and I am the owner of a yahoo group called sewingtotebagsandpurses
