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Ask Doctor Who

AskSend a letter Newtons cradle! Ask Doctor Who is no longer run by Leo Siden (LeoSiden.com). It is now run by Noah (or Mod: N), and was inspired by the hilariously wonderful Ask Ace Attorney. The premise is quite simple - send a letter to your favourite Doctor Who character and receive a response! Completely SFW (unless a TMI Tuesday is announced, in which case NSFW posts will be tagged as #nsfw and #tmi tuesday). Letter Archive Use these links to read letters written to or about a certain character. Repeat questions will not be answered. Thank you for your understanding. The DoctorFirst DoctorSecond DoctorThird DoctorFourth DoctorFifth DoctorSixth DoctorSeventh DoctorEighth DoctorWar DoctorNinth DoctorTenth DoctorEleventh DoctorTwelfth DoctorJack HarknessMartha JonesAmy PondRory Pond (nee Williams)River Song (Melody Pond)Susan ForemanIan ChestertonBarbra WrightPollyBen JacksonJamie McCrimmonZoe HeriotThe BrigadierJo GrantSarah Jane SmithK-9Harry SullivanAdricPeri BrownMel BushAce McShaneClara OswaldDanny PinkOut Of Character postsTMI Tuesday (NSFW)River’s log (series - On Hiatus)Throwback Thursday (Classic Who characters) Submission Guidelines - Asks can be sent anonymously, no problem, but letters require a Tumblr account or an e-mail address! - For letters or asks for the Doctor, you can specify which regeneration it is (First, Second, Third, etc.) or you can just address them to the Doctor in general.Letters or asks that aren’t directed toward a specific Doctor will be answered by a random Doctor (I have a random number generator) and letters that are not directed towards a certain character will be answered by the first character that pops into Mod: Ns mind! - Nothing NSFW, please. (Unless a TMI Tuesday is announced, in which case anything is fair game!) - Be creative! The Doctor will no longer be answering aks or letters asking to be a companion or travelling in the TARDIS, as he gets about a dozen of those every day and it’s frankly rather boring. Favourite Doctor?First Doctor (William Hartnell)Second Doctor (Patrick Troughton)Third Doctor (Jon Pertwee)Fourth Doctor (Tom Baker)Fifth Doctor (Peter Davison)Sixth Doctor (Colin Baker)Seventh Doctor (Sylvester McCoy)Eighth Doctor (Paul McGann)Ninth Doctor (Christopher Eccleston)Tenth Doctor (David Tennant)Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith)  pollcode.com free polls  var ref = (''+document.referrer+''); document.write('');
