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0 Lil Wood

Seattle writer/editor, mostly just re-blogging art for fun here. My comics-related writing has been in Paste Magazine, STACKEDD, Newsarama, Panel Patter, my site (www.lilithw...

lilwood.tumblr.com lilwood.tumblr.com/rss

0 Paste Magazine

We’re a Decatur, GA-based Magazine celebrating signs of life in music, film & culture, and this is our lil Tumblr outpost. Read the Magazine, and connect with us on PasteMag...

pastemagazine.tumblr.com pastemagazine.tumblr.com/rss

0 Ghost Review

Ghost Review is a Magazine about creativity and technology, specifically; illustration, photography, video games, graphic design, film, television and food. We do not review g...

ghostreview.tumblr.com ghostreview.tumblr.com/rss