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0 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, And Social Scie...

Andrew Gelman is a Statistician, professor of Statistics and political science, and director of the Applied Statistics Center at Columbia University.

https://statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu feed/http://www.sta...vabletype/mlm/atom.xml

0 Stat

Reporting from the frontiers of health and medicine

https://www.statnews.com/ feed/http://www.statnews.com/feed/

0 Stat.ML Updates On ArXiv.org

Stat.ML updates on the arXiv.org e-print archive.

http://rss.arxiv.org/rss/stat.ML feed/http://arxiv.org/rss/stat.ML

0 Azure Status

Check the current Azure health Status and view past incidents.

https://status.azure.com/en-us/status/ feed/http://azure.m...com/en-us/status/feed/

0 Statista

Find Statistics, consumer survey results and industry studies from over 22,500 sources on over 60,000 topics on the internet's ...

https://www.statista.com feed/http://www.statista.com/rss.php

0 財報狗網誌


https://statementdog.com/blog feed/http://statementdog.com/blog/?feed=rss2

0 Gli Stati Generali

Giornale online e piattaforma di informazione partecipata con approfondimenti sulla politica, l'economia, la società, la cultura

https://www.glistatigenerali.com feed/http://www.glistatigenerali.com/feed/

0 Stat Updates On ArXiv.org

Stat updates on the arXiv.org e-print archive.

http://rss.arxiv.org/rss/stat feed/http://arxiv.org/rss/stat

0 Stats Chat

"Statistical thinking will one day be as necessary for efficient citizenship as the ability to read and write." - H.G. Wells

https://www.statschat.org.nz feed/http://feeds.feedburner.com/StatsChat

0 Stati Uniti - Più Recenti - Google News

Leggi articoli completi, guarda video, sfoglia migliaia di titoli e non solo sull'argomento "Italia" con l'app Google News.

https://news.google.com/topics/CAAqIggKIhxDQkFTRHdvSkwyMHZNRGxqTjNjd0VnSmxiaWdBUAE?hl=it&gl=IT&ceid=IT:it feed/https://www.go...n&ned=it&cf=all&num=20

0 StatsBomb | Data Champions

StatsBomb's high-quality sports data is trusted by 100s of teams, sporting bodies, media outlets and gambling organisations around the world.

https://statsbomb.com/ feed/http://www.statsbomb.com/feed/

0 Statistisches Bundesamt

Internetangebot des Statistischen Bundesamtes mit aktuellen Informationen, Publikationen, Zahlen und Fakten der amtlichen Statistik.

https://www.destatis.de feed/http://www.destatis.de/Aktuelles.xml

0 MSI :: State Of Security

Insight from the Information Security Experts

https://stateofsecurity.com feed/http://stateofsecurity.com/?feed=rss2

0 Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (N. Virginia) Service Stat...

Receive the most recent update for events affecting the overall availability of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud in N. Virginia. To receive personalized events about your specific...

https://status.aws.amazon.com/ feed/http://status..../rss/ec2-us-east-1.rss

0 Articoli Archivi - State Of Mind

Psicologia, Psicoterapia, Psichiatria, Neuroscienze.

https://www.stateofmind.it/category/articoli/ feed/http://www.stateofmind.it/feed/rss2/

0 SoldiOnline

Tutte le notizie sul mercato finanziario italiano

https://static.soldionline.it/ feed/http://feeds.f...r.com/soldionline/pfEt

0 Statistics Canada, The Daily

Canada's National Statistical Agency. Updates on current social, economic and environmental conditions. Terms of use: https://t.co/WhzP4y8ZZ4 FRA: @StatCan_fra

https://www.statcan.gc.ca/dai-quo/ feed/http://www.sta.../rss/dai-quo/0-eng.rss

0 State Of The Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

https://news.climate.columbia.edu feed/http://blogs.ei.columbia.edu/feed/

0 Statistics

Table of Contents for Statistics. List of articles from both the latest and ahead of print issues.

https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/gsta20?ai=2o4&mi=6lepxz&af=R feed/http://www.tan...sta&type=etoc&feed=rss